Hello, everyone! In your e-mail box is the written test (prueba escrita). Deben entregarla hasta el viernes; ese día haremos el oral via zoom. Good luck!
Hoy vamos a consolidar lo aprendido
hasta ahora en la unidad 1... Ready? Go!
Watch the following video:
Now try to answer the following questions:
- What's the boy's name?
- What's the girl's name?
- Where are they?
- At what time is their class?
- Who is their teacher?
- Where is their class (room number)?
Let's revise the verb to be. Complete the sentences with am, is, are:
Remember some countries and nationalities? Let's check!
1. Giusseppe is from Italy. He is Italian.
2. Adrien is from France. He is _______.
3. Johann is from Germany. He is _______.
4. Mila is from Russia. She is___________.
5. Juana is from Spain. She is__________.
6. Biquing is from China. She is__________.
7. José is from Mexico. He is___________.
8. Colin is from Greece. He is __________.
9. Mia is from Canada. She is__________.
10. Roberto is from Brazil. He is _________.
11. Denis is from Ireland. He is___________.
12. Lin is from Japan. She is_____________.
Excellent! write down your answers so that you can share them on our Friday's meeting (anoten sus respuestas para compartir en nuestro encuentro del viernes)
Vamos a repasar algunas páginas del libro, a fin de corregirlas el día viernes vía reunión virtual en zoom. Para quienes tienen dificultad para acceder al libro, les pego foto de cada actividad que repasaremos. Deberán tenerlas listas para corregirlas y leerlas el viernes.
This is a blog created by 1st Intensive teachers for our students. We will be sharing practice material, videos, and presentations. Feel free to leave comments or request posts about topics you need to know more about. We hope you find the site helpful.